
The flowering of Maya culture.

The flowering of Maya culture.

Maya threads: A woven history of Chiapas:

The "flowering" of Maya culture is more than a metaphor in Zincantan, Chiapas where local dress is a lavish field of ever changing flowers. For every major festival, families wear new sets of clothing embroidered with fresh designs and the current color palette.

Two decades of experimentation with embroidery and brocade created an endless splash of colours and styles in Zincantan. The simple brocaded lozenges along the hem grew into complex tapestries. As women mastered new embroidery techniques, bigger and bolder flowers enveloped men's fashion.


Tenango: Colourful textiles, hand embroidered by the Otomi from Mexico.

Tenango: Colourful textiles, hand embroidered by the Otomi from Mexico.

Tenango is a style of embroidery which originated in the Tenango de Doria municipality in the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is a commercialized version of traditional Otomi embroidery, which was developed in the 1960s in response to an economic crisis. It is estimated at over 1,200 artisans practice the craft in Tenango de Doria and the neighborhing municipality of San Bartolo Tutotepec. The world vision of these pieces are traditional as much of the ancient ideology of these communities remains intact. 

Many here still speak Otomi, with a portion speaking only this language. Although there is contact with the outside...

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